"Digital empowerment, green symbiosis", the fourth world cloth merchant conference was grandly opened in Shaoxing International Convention and Exhibition Center!

Introduction: with the increasingly urgent situation of global climate governance, the digital economy has become a new engine driving the recovery...

Introduction: with the increasingly urgent situation of global climate governance, the digital economy has become a new engine driving the recovery of the world economy. The goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization has become an inevitable choice for building a community with a shared future for mankind. In the new era of continuous deepening of Centennial changes, the empowerment of digital economy and the guidance of green transformation provide key support for the global textile industry to seek future business form evolution, upgrade economic development model and realize sustainable development.

On October 26, the fourth world cloth merchants' Conference opened in Keqiao, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. People in the global textile industry gathered online and offline to talk about the transformation and upgrading of digital technology enabled industries and explore a feasible path of harmonious coexistence between industry and environment with "cloth" as the medium and around the theme of "digital empowerment · green symbiosis".

Zhu Congjiu, vice governor of Zhejiang Provincial People's government, Xu Kemin, chief economist of the Ministry of industry and information technology, sun Ruizhe, chairman of the International Textile Manufacturers Federation and President of China Textile Industry Federation, Ma Weiguang, Secretary of the CPC Shaoxing Municipal Committee, Chen Chun, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and professor of Zhejiang University, Cao Xuejun, first-class inspector of the Department of consumer goods industry of the Ministry of industry and information technology, Chang Jiwen, deputy director of the Institute of resources and environmental policy of the development research center of the State Council, Fu Longcheng, vice president of China Federation of Commerce, Zhang Xi'an, vice president of China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, Chen Dapeng, vice president of China Textile Industry Federation, etc. attended the theme meeting. Leaders from the embassies of Cyprus, Dominica and Indonesia, as well as international business, academia and industry, as well as leaders of national ministries, commissions, provinces and municipalities attended the conference.

The Theme Conference comprehensively discusses the new direction of the development of the global textile industry under the changing situation of the century from the dimensions of digital transformation, green sustainability, industrial community, financial services and promoting common prosperity. At the meeting, the video release of "interconnected symbiosis and sustainable development" of world cloth merchants in 2021, the unveiling ceremony of "Sino Italian future fashion innovation center" and the release ceremony of "30.60" China Textile and garment carbon neutralization acceleration action were also held. On the basis of normal epidemic prevention and control, the conference implemented the "Online + offline" dual venue mode, and conducted synchronous live broadcasting to the world online through the official website of the conference.

Ding Zhongli, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress and chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League, sent a congratulatory message via video. He said that the world cloth merchants conference focused on building an exchange and cooperation platform for the world textile industry, which not only effectively promoted the quality improvement of China's textile industry, but also injected strong momentum into the economic and social development of Shaoxing. As one of the main leaders of the "carbon neutralization framework roadmap" project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ding Zhongli also pointed out that he hoped that the majority of textile enterprises would seize the huge opportunities brought by the green and low-carbon transformation and look for new development power. Facing the ecological goal, we should focus on scientific and technological innovation and rely on technological progress and innovation to drive high-quality development. At the same time, we should adhere to open cooperation, build a coordinated development model of the whole industrial chain, and form a green and low-carbon modern textile industry system as soon as possible.

In his speech at the meeting, Xu Kemin pointed out that promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy and enabling the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries is one of the effective ways to realize the green and low-carbon transformation of industrialization. Intelligent weaving and green weaving in China's textile industry have been further promoted. Systematic solutions have been formed in the aspects of digital workshop, green dyeing and finishing, intelligent production, personalized customization and networked collaboration, which have been promoted to the whole industry from the pilot, and remarkable results have been achieved in improving production efficiency, improving product quality, saving energy, reducing consumption and reducing emission. Under the goal of "double carbon", the effective path for the textile industry to achieve sustainable development is to "take technology as the king, enhance the industrial competitive advantage, make concerted progress, improve the effectiveness of carbon reduction, and expand the development space of the industry with openness and cooperation".

Zhu Congjiu addressed the meeting. He pointed out that in recent years, Zhejiang has made great efforts to promote the digital transformation and intelligent reconstruction of the textile industry. In 2020, textile and garment enterprises above Designated Size in Zhejiang Province will achieve a total industrial output value of 928.4 billion, ranking first in China; The export volume of textiles and clothing reached 491.2 billion yuan, ranking first in China. The province has three industrial clusters with more than 50 billion yuan, including chemical fiber, Keqiao Textile and Tongxiang polyester filament, and 12 national textile and garment creative design pilot parks, all of which rank first in the country. During the "14th five year plan" period, Zhejiang Province will vigorously develop new formats and models of foreign trade, take the digital reform and the "double carbon" strategy as the traction, strive to promote the deep integration of big data, artificial intelligence and textile industry, build Zhejiang manufacturing brand, promote the three chain coordination of industrial chain, innovation chain and value chain, and realize high-end, green and international development, Strive to build a world-class modern textile advanced manufacturing cluster.

Under the trend of global economic recovery, opening up and cooperation is still a historical trend, and mutual benefit and win-win results are still the aspiration of the people. This year, one belt, one road and one year plan for 14th Five-Year, was held in Zhejiang. The opportunity to hold the fourth conference was further coincident with the consensus of the global textile industry, in order to create a new economic high level with digital energy, and build a green and low carbon cycle industrial system. It has created a broad space for building the sustainable development capacity of China's textile industry and promoting the innovation, reform, exchange and cooperation of the world's textile industry.