"Cloud link" China France - "Silk Road Keqiao · live global" Keqiao cloth business cloud Business Exhibition (France station) is about to open

With the gradual recovery of the external demand market, the textile and garment export business has changed for the better...

With the gradual recovery of the external demand market, the textile and garment export business has changed for the better, but the overseas epidemic has not been completely controlled, and the international textile trade situation is still uncertain. In order to reduce the impact of the epidemic on enterprises participating in the global textile industry supply chain and help enterprises explore the international market, after holding hands with Vietnam for the first time in 2020, from May 31 to June 2, the "Silk Road Keqiao · live global" Keqiao cloth business cloud exhibition will "March" again to start the "cloud lead" journey of the French station. The event was hosted by Keqiao District People's Government of Shaoxing City, undertaken by China Textile Information Center, Keqiao District Bureau of Commerce of Shaoxing City and Keqiao District International Games Service Center of Shaoxing City, with the special support of French ingenuity alliance, international fashion color association, French Color Association, atelier in Paris designer incubator and Joseph in Paris fashion exhibition hall.

The cloud trade show will introduce a new textile trade market model of cloud exhibition and live marketing, build an online display and trade platform through the application of big data and Internet technology, help Keqiao fabric enterprises connect with French brand purchasers, further enhance international cooperation, seek sustainable economic growth and obtain market opportunities in the post epidemic Era.

In this activity, 40 Keqiao excellent fabric enterprises meeting the textile fabric needs of French purchasers were selected, It will be displayed through Keqiao's online business "cloud" platform and offline (France) entity exhibition hall. Each Keqiao fabric enterprise will select 3-4 series of fabrics to introduce its material, performance, advantages and other product features in the live broadcasting room. France will organize 100 brand purchasers to participate in this activity. The two sides will establish a practical cooperation platform through online real-time negotiation and docking.

As the world's largest light textile trading market, Keqiao, based on the overall situation of the integrated development of the world's textile industry, relying on its strong industrial foundation and unique competitive advantages, took the lead in opening channel integration and mode innovation, deeply promoted the construction of digital market, continued to explore and optimize the new path of international cooperation with "cloth as the medium", and practiced the forward-looking move of the international textile capital in the new era.

France is one of the important textile and clothing consumer markets in the world. In recent years, France has actively arranged the field of e-commerce, and the e-commerce market is becoming more and more mature. According to the data of the French National Institute of statistics and economics, at present, the total amount of e-commerce accounts for 9.9% of the total retail trade in France, of which the clothing category has always maintained a large market share. As the second major commodity category imported by France from China, textiles and raw materials still have great market development space in the future.

Facing the complex and changeable international environment, Keqiao actively linked high-end and high-quality brands in the global supply chain through cloud business exhibition activities, grasped the opportunities of Sino French textile and garment economic and trade cooperation, and took a solid step on the road of building an international trade model and expanding the international influence of Keqiao Textile and garment industry.