"Intelligent manufacturing innovation hemp textile future" -- 2021 China hemp textile industry technology development forum was grandly held in Fenyi!

In order to promote the technological development and collaborative innovation of China's Hemp textile industry, build a new ecology of China's ...

In order to promote the technological development and collaborative innovation of China's Hemp textile industry, build a new ecology of China's Hemp textile industry and create new advantages of China's Hemp textile industry, "Smart manufacturing innovation, hemp textile future - 2021 China hemp textile industry technology development forum" hosted by China hemp textile industry association on December 12 (during the 2021 Jiangxi International hemp Textile Expo) was grandly held in Fenyi, Jiangxi Province. The forum focused on the keynote speech, gathered professionals and colleagues from all walks of life in the whole hemp textile industry chain, worked together, made plans and discussed plans around the cutting-edge concepts and solutions of industrial chain technology development, and further improved the technological innovation ability of upstream and downstream enterprises in the hemp textile industry , realize the sustainable high-quality development of hemp textile industry!

Luo Yanbing, member of the Standing Committee of Fenyi county Party committee and deputy county magistrate, Mr. Zhang Xianshun, chairman of Henan pingmian Textile Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Zhu Xianmin, senior consultant of China Textile Machinery Association, Mr. Yu Chongwen, Professor of Textile College of Donghua University, chairman of hemp textile special committee of China textile engineering society, Ms. Li Jiyuan, chief engineer of Henan pingmian Textile Group Co., Ltd Ms. Qiu Yuru, general manager of Jiangxi Enda Ma Century Technology Co., Ltd., vice president of China Textile Construction Planning Institute Mr. Ma Zhihui, vice chairman of China plant dyeing (plant dyeing) industry alliance, Mr. Ji Heju, deputy chief engineer of Qingdao Dongjia textile machinery (Group) Co., Ltd., Mr. Li Jungang, chairman of Qingdao nuoma Weaving Co., Ltd. and vice president of Hanma Research Institute of Qingdao University, and other guests attended the forum and delivered keynote speeches.

Zhu Xianmin, senior consultant of China Textile Machinery Association, delivered a keynote speech: "several views on Intelligent Manufacturing". "If a worker wants to do well, he must sharpen his tools first.". The advanced nature of equipment is the concrete embodiment of the advanced nature of manufacturing industry. After more than 40 years of development, China's textile machinery industry has grown into the world's first power. In this forum, we invite Mr. Zhu Xianmin, senior consultant of China Textile Machinery Association, to deeply cultivate the textile machinery manufacturing industry for a long time. Today, he will take us to appreciate the opportunities brought by the latest technology and intelligent manufacturing of textile machinery from the perspective of the whole textile industry.

Hemp textile industry has a history of thousands of years in China. With the development of Chinese civilization, it will continue to carry the value and significance of the new era. At the second session of the Eighth Council of China hemp textile industry association held in Shanghai in October this year, we officially issued the guiding opinions on the development of China's Hemp textile industry during the 14th five year plan, which clearly took "market orientation, innovation driven, quality improvement and efficiency increase" as the guiding ideology for the industrial development of China's Hemp textile industry during the 14th Five Year Plan period. The speeches of experts and scholars in this technology forum not only brought us new technical concepts, innovative practical achievements, but also brought us more thinking. We believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the technology of hemp textile industry will achieve leapfrog development and provide sufficient technical guarantee for industrial upgrading.